download part 2 mix by Loïc Boyer (mp3 45 minutes)
Once again Loïc Boyer (AKA Bureau L'imprimante AKA Disco L'Imprimante) of Rouen, France is here to show us how it's done. Not only is he responsible for the visual design of this website (thanks!) but he's made this absolutely necessary mix of music. This is part two (part one was last week) of his Rhythmes Magnétiques mix he put together to provide a sonic landscape for his new book Rythmes Magnétiques: Dessins, Signes et Icônes Rassemblés Subjectivement wich means something like Magnetic Rythms: Drawings, Signs and Icons Subjectively Gathered. The book is limited to 100 copies at a cost of four euros, twenty of which will be available with this mix on a vintage BASF tape at a cost of five euros.
Click here to preview Loïc Boyer's Rhythmes Magnétiques and buy it.
Also, Loïc Boyer has started a really good mp3 blog / podcast called Piratemodecast. Check it out. I think we'll have Disco L'Imprimante on here regularly.
Here's the tracklisting and brief descriptions by Monsieur Boyer himself:
London Underground, Learn a Language (15 and X Years compilation LP 1996)
On-U Sound label made me discover Ari Up, African Head Charge, and Mark Stewart. And London Undrground's 1980' single you can hear right here. This sure is a pretty line up, right?
Le Club, Un fait Divers et Rien de Plus (Un fait Divers et Rien de Plus 7' 1982)
Dance to the sound of the violence in the streets. Gangs, skinheads, Ronald Reagan, Margareth Thatcher, junkies in the alley with the baseball bat, those were the early eighties days…
Tom Tom Club, On, On, On, On… remixed version (Under The Boardwalk EP 1982)
Such a great band, with connections into punk as much as into hip-hop, everybody loves their catchy beats and more-than-danceable bass.
Material, Don't Lose Control (I'm The One EP 1982)
Where electro meets the bongo, with pieces of cut-up. And a really heavy groove on Bill Laswell's bass, pushed forward by Michael Beinhorn's synthesizer. Definitly one of a kind.
Sexual Harrassment, If I Gave You a Party - Syrup version / dance edit (Anti NY EP II 2001)
I guess this 1983 track became a classic since its re-issue by the Gomma gang. Well, to me it is. Another EP I bought for the design. Paow!
Tubeway Army, Me! I Disconnect From You (Replicas LP 1979)
Would you believe me if I tell you that I bought this record because of the cover? But it's true! It was a bit expensive for a second-hand, but it seemed so mysterious… And sure Gary Numan is a mysterious guy. I'll never regret those 6 € I left on the flea market.
Phase II, The Roxy (New York City Rap promo LP 1982)
It seems they forgot this great track when they issued The Celluloid Years compilation the other week. But don't worry, Disco L'Imprimante is here with his bunch of records from the flea markets!
New Flesh, His Story Crockery feat. The Ramm:Ell:Zee (Understanding LP 2002)
I've always been fascinated by pop art figures connecting with the pop music side. The Ramm:Ell:Zee is probably one of the best, and if not, he's still alive, and recording!
The Pop Group, Beyond Good and Evil (Kiss The Future LP 2005)
This early Mark Stewart track (1979) is a delicious psycho-funk anthem that can't let you still. Makes me wanna riff with a white guitar!
52nd Street, Twice As Nice (Cool As Ice/Twice As Nice EP 1983)
By the time I was collecting anything designed by Peter Saville, I found this strange Factory Benelux 12", which had a little succes in the NY club scene with its François K remix (wich is not the one you can hear, this one's signed Oz).