Radiozero Podcast #60 by POWOW
Zorba Intro
CFCF - Big Love (Friend Remix)
Quixote - Before I Started (Prins Thomas Diskomiks)
Dolle Jolle - Balearic Incarnation (Todd Terje's Extra Doll Mix)
The Field - The More That I Do (Foals Remix)
Dusty Kid - America
The MFA - The Difference It Makes
CFCF - Monolith
Our good friends Patrick North from Acephale records & Erik Devereux who DJ together as POWOW have brought us the latest installment of the RZ podcast series. A bit lighter than usual, with lots of xylophones and tropical percussion. Should be nice while you ride your bicycle out to the beach in the afternoon.
Acephale is just about to release their latest 7" for MEMORY CASSETTE out June 09... EXTREMELY LIMITED!
preorder here:
Also, our artwork man Damien Correll is heading to LA in a few weeks to showcase in Faesthetic Magazine's first LA based curated show at Scion Space gallery in Culver City. It's called This Must Be The Place and it opens with all artists in attendance on June 20th. So if you're in the LA area make sure you pop by and say hello to Mr. Correll.
More info here...
Think Faest! » This Must Be The Place
Fantastic episode. Very chill. Also where did you get that CFCF remix track? It's amazing!
I got an instant boner on this mixtape.... it suuuuupppper chill....... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE
this reminds me of an old orbital set - a total compliment. well done. I am obsessed with that dusty kid record.
CFCF at the end is unreleased exxxxcloooosive
TYLER! It's Dan from Locus (circa 2005).
Totally subscribing to this podcast starting today. As a side note, way to incongruously link to the amazing In Our Time radio show from BBC4. This week: Jacobean Tragedy + RadioZero. WHAT?
melvyn bragg is the boss. "in our time" rules.
stay tuned.
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