The Needles - Dianne.mp3
Can't get this song out of my head. You're just gonna have to listen to it to see what I mean.
Now about that picture at the top. These two artists, one from vancouver island, Russ Morland, and one from montreal, Tim Barnard inked it out. They did a collaborative show in montreal back in April and this is one of the results.

Titanium Tim went ahead and dubbed the event "the fight all fight fans have been waiting for", which would prove to be somewhat amusing. According to Russ Morland (and he is british so he might be making it all up) there was a problem with wall space they could share, and there was a shortage of markers to draw on the walls. There was some disagreement between the two regarding the wall space and the markers and apparently according to Morland "tim wouldn't stop complaining" so Morland went and put Barnard into an armlock and took the black marker from him. I suppose there were a couple more altercations between the two of them one of which is shown in the picture below:

I originally thought that picture was fixed, so I just overlooked it for a couple of months, and it may be as that Russ guy can't be trusted. But now that it has been revealed to me that that picture captured one of the actual skirmishes between the british and the french (canadian) at an art event that was dubbed as a fight that turned into a fight I find it all too amusing and have to post it up here, even though it's old news, it's new news to me.
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