Radiozero Podcast #43
Justice - Valentine
The Tough Alliance - A New Chance
busy P - b be@rbrickdance
Donnis - Backseat
Chromeo - 100%
Kocky - Keep Ballin (feat. Daniel Dermes)
Mr Hudson & The Library - Ask The DJ (sinden & the count of monte cristo remix)
Sneaky Soundsystem - Pictures (tonite only remix)
Red Foxx - Make It Borderline
Little Eva - Locomotion (TF's 1/2ALIVE remix)
Crookers - Aguas de Parco
Justice - D.A.N.C.E. (MSTRKRFT remix)
Lloyd Banks - Hands Up (DJ Tamiel & Fredde La Grand's involuntary radiozero collab)
Numéro - Chewing-Gum Fraise (avec Omnikron)
The Tough Alliance - Neo Violence
The Skids - The Saints Are Coming